
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Journey to Daocheng (Danba 丹巴, Xinduqiao 新都桥 and Daocheng 稻城)

Day 1: 13 Oct 2019 Please click on READ MORE button on the bottom right to contnue reading :) Our car started from Chengdu and head towards Siguniang Mountain (四姑娘山,4 pretty ladies mountain). We will not enter the national park, but will only see the mountain from viewing platform. The weather has been a bit drizzly from time to time. MK was having some motion sickness issue with the car ride, winding roads, she looked pale and vomited. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. After viewing the mountain, we went for our lunch and continue to head to Danba County. On the way down hill, there were some road repair works resulting in lane closure. The road was pretty narrow and one lane closure means the trucks from the other direction had a hard time squeezing through. We even saw a truck wheels fell into the drain while slowly navigating through the narrow lane, avoiding the bus in the opposite direction. we held our breaths and prayed